Faculty Senate Records

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Faculty Senate is the primary means through which faculty participate in the shared governance process at UWG. Through its various committees, faculty senators and representatives from all Colleges, Tanner Health System School of Nursing, and Ingram Library advise the administration on issues of concern. Additionally, Faculty Senate is an avenue through which various departments and divisions of the University communicate with the faculty. Faculty Senate has particular purview over topics related to academics but is also a vehicle for faculty input to administrators in all divisions. Records in this collection include resolutions, minutes, newsletters, and miscellaneous records that were harvested from the official UWG Faculty Senate website. When volumes and issues are present in individual item records, they represent the numbering on the artifacts themselves and may therefore reflect original inconsistencies in numbering practices. These records date from 2007-present. Older records may be accessed through Special Collections as described here: https://uwg.galileo.usg.edu/repositories/2/resources/449. To search only items within this collection by author, date, or subject please use the dedicated Faculty Senate Records Search.


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