Rome: Vatican Museum (Pio Clementino, Raphael Rooms, Gallery of the Candelabra, Gallery of Maps etc.)
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The Vatican public museums display about 20,000 of 70K works collected by the Catholic Church and the papacy throughout the centuries. The museums were founded by Pope Julius II in the early 16th century. Only the Louvre in France receives more annual visitors than the Vatican Museums. The museums consist of 24 galleries, with the Sistine Chapel being the last room visited. The Pio Clementino Museum is the largest complex of the Vatican Museums. It is named after its founders, Pope Clement XIV and Pope Pius VI. Its twelve rooms contain the most important Greek and Roman masterpieces. Photos in this collection were taken primarily in the Pio Clementino Museum with a focus on sculpture, but also feature glimpses of the Raphael Rooms, the Gallery of the Candelabra, the Gallery of Maps, as well as some of some of the beautiful ceilings and architecture of the museum complex. These photos were taken by Dr. Beth Sheppard in 2017. Metadata was contributed by Shelley Rogers. Intern Noah Dietsch assisted with collection processing.